Hello my friend, Indonesia get healthy, We'll meet again in this article. Today , I was ready to share a variety of simple notes for you. You read this time with the title Effect of Sex on Your Brain, we have prepared this special article for you to read and download the information therein. We hope that the content of posts Artikel SEX, we write this can be understood by easy. Straight to the point we started, and happy reading.

Understanding how sex affects the brain, it can increase the intensity of sexual relationships and your health, "said Barry R. Komisaruk, PhD, professor of psychology at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey.
Research on the influence of sex on the brain is not exactly easy to learn. Because the subjects in this study may need to masturbate in a MRI machine.
Even so, scientists have uncovered a bit of a mystery, here are some of them.
1. Sex is like a drug
Sex makes us feel comfortable. That's why we want it, loved it, and spent so much time doing it as a couple.
The pleasure we get from sex largely due to the release of dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that activates the reward center of the brain.
Dopamine is also one of the chemicals responsible for making people addicted to drugs.
"The use of cocaine and having sex is not exactly the same, but both involve the same area and different brain regions," said Timothy Fong, MD, professor of psychiatry at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine.
Caffeine, nicotine, and chocolate also tickling reward centers, said Komisaruk.
2. Sex as antidepressants
A study in 2002 from the University at Albany says that of the 300 women who have sex without condoms had fewer depressive symptoms than women who did not use condoms.
The researchers hypothesize that the various compounds in the semen, including estrogen and prostaglandins, have antidepressant properties, which are then absorbed into the body after sex. However, this does not apply if there is use of condoms.
This is good news for married couples. Meanwhile, for those who are not married, it is better to keep using condoms.
Because, there are other ways to improve mood, but there was no other way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
3. Sex depressing
Initially, during sex may be fun. But after that? In one study, about a third of the women who participated reported experiencing sadness after sex. Perhaps due to their regret or feeling forced. Until now, researchers can not explain it exactly.
4. Sex reduces pain
Do not miss the sex when you have a headache. Research shows that the acts can relieve your symptoms.
In 2013 then, a German study revealed that 60% of participants who had migraine and 30% of patients with cluster headache who had sex during a headache reported being helped by a partial or total.
Another study found that women who stimulated area G spotnya have an increase in pain.
"It took a painful stimulus is greater for them to feel the pain," said Beverly Whipple, PhD, a professor emeritus at Rutgers University who has done research on this topic.
Whipple did not learn why this could happen, but other researchers linking the effect by oxytocin. Hormones that help the growth of a strong bond between mother and baby and who also have pain-relieving properties.
5. Sex can erase the memory
Every year, about 7 out of 100,000 people experience a "transient global amnesia". That is, when someone suddenly lose memory of the time, which can not be associated with other neurological conditions.
This condition can be caused by a strong sex, as well as emotional stress, pain, minor head injuries, and medical procedures.
Conditions forget that lasts a few minutes or a few hours can not form new memories or recall recent events. Fortunately, this condition does not bring long-term effects.
6. Sex improving your memory
A study in 2010 found that, compared to mice that were allowed one-night stand, rodent who engage in sex "chronic" (once a day for 14 consecutive days) more regenerate neurons in the hippocampus, a brain region associated with memories ,
That finding is supported by a second study, also in mice. This research is still to be followed to see whether regular sex also have the same effect in humans or not.
7. Sex soothing
The same study also found that mice that frequent sex can reduce stress. The same is true for humans.
A study found that people who had just had sex have better responses to stressful situations such as public speaking than those who do not, or who engage in this type of sexual activity.
How sex reduces stress? In this case, by lowering blood pressure.
8. Sex makes you sleepy
Sex is more likely than women to make him sleepy. According to investigators, a part of the brain known as the prefrontal cortex winds decreased after ejaculation, in conjunction with the release of oxytocin and serotonin.
Author: Lily Turangan
Editor: Bestari Kumala Dewi
Source: Good Health
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